Table 3

Measures Derived from Factor Analyses of Sections 2 and 4

Measures and items Average

Evaluation of Orchestra (Section 2—rated on 7-point scales) 4.14

alpha = .67

Excellent playing pays off in this orchestra. 4.27

Musical standards and standards of conduct in this orchestra

are vague and unclear.* 3.75

Accurate rehearsal schedules and programming information are

readily available well in advance, so that players always know what 5.43

is expected of them.

Morale is excellent in our orchestra. 3.39

Members of this orchestra tend to focus on their individual needs

as opposed to the common good.* 4.66

In controversies with management involving an individual player,

our orchestra comes together in support and solidarity. 4.23

Orchestra tours and run-out concerts provide a welcomed diversity 4.07

to the work schedule.

Musician Voice (Section 2— rated on 7-point scales) 3.88

alpha = .77

Ideas suggested by the players are considered and many

are incorporated into our orchestra’s operations. 3.73

In this orchestra, players are kept in the dark about current

developments and future plans.* 4.05

Managers in this orchestra rarely consult players on issues that may

improve the orchestra or make the musicians’ jobs easier.* 4.19

There is little opportunity for mobility in this orchestra: Once

a player occupies a given chair, he or she stays there indefinitely.* 4.74

The music director and management are willing to grant leaves

or sabbaticals to enable musicians to participate in other

professional activities important for their professional growth. 5.06

Members of our orchestra expect management to take an

adversarial stand.* 4.99

Members of our orchestra have a voice in decisions that affect the

orchestra and its members. 4.33

Job Satisfaction (Section 4— rated on 7-point scales) 4.98

alpha = .81

My opinion of myself goes up when I do this job well. 6.07

Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with this job. 5.11

This job is not at all challenging and I am frequently bored.* 2.98

Before coming to this orchestra, I used to care a great deal

about my job performance, now I don’t care.* 1.91

I live and breathe my job. 3.33

My job and my work environment reinforce my motivation to excel. 4.34

The work I do challenges me and stretches my skills. 4.90

Job Dissatisfaction (Section 4— rated on 7-point scales) 3.43

alpha = .80

I frequently think of quitting this job. 2.90

My work as a musician has a general negative effect on my health. 2.86

I am very critical of myself, many times feeling unjustifiably bad about

the way I do my job. 3.99

I frequently envision myself in another profession. 2.94

I look forward to moving on to another position. 3.35

Our orchestra schedule interferes significantly with my family life. 3.97

My job fails to give me a sense of security for the future which

in turn affects personal life choices. 3.78

It disturbs me to think about orchestra matters when not at work. 3.68

Anti-Management Sentiment (Section 4— rated on 7-point scales) 3.65

alpha = .63

Management’s excessive presence has a negative effect

on our performance. 2.79

I feel as though I can rely on what is said to me by the music

director and management.* 3.82

Finances and budgets take priority over music in this orchestra. 5.03

The term "tenure" as applied to this orchestra has real meaning.* 5.40

Reports of Physical Distress (Section 4— rated on 7-point scales) 4.43

alpha = .45

I would never acknowledge to my employer that I have an injury that

could affect my performance.* 3.16

When I experience physical pain in my performance, I continue

to practice and perform.* 4.57

When I experience physical pain in my performance, I seek medical attention. 5.02

Note: Items marked with an "*" were reverse scored when calculating averages for each measure. Values in bold are the averages across all of the items in each measure.